It was BFLC's 1st ever BIG BIRTHDAY BASH and all members turned up in full force despite the rainy weather! Just goes to show how much import we place on this very special day for Puffi (who turns 1 on 5-NOV) and Muffin (also turning 1 on 5-NOV) and Mac (who turned 4 on 1-NOV).
Must say we attracted a lot of attention from passers-by the minute we converted Botanic Gardens' Visitors Centre area into our party ground J. Jaime & Delphine were most prepared to "do battle" if anyone (esp. a Botanic Gardens' officer) dared 'chase' us away. It must have been quite a sight for some of those visitors seeing SO MANY white powder-puff doggies congregated together at one place. Our FurBabies created such interest in some people that today out there, somewhere, some people are actually considering getting a Bichon Frise J.
P/S: Did you guys realize that all of the Birthday Boys' GUESTS were girls!!!! Namely Bambi, Bianca, Bubbles, Peaches, Pebbles, Sara, & Thumper.